
Inlägg som rufio har skrivit i forumet
Av rufio
Skrivet av Obligatorisk:

Arcus Odyssey (MD).

Och vad kan detta vara?

Fray CD.

Antar att det var rätt, så här kommer en ny (bästa bilden jag hittade tyvärr):

Av rufio
Skrivet av era909:

Givetvis helt rätt.

Vi kör en ny då:

Av rufio
Skrivet av era909:

Det var nog lite av båda. Jag visste att det var Shadowrun men jag var mest nyfiken på om du råkat klistra in fel bildlänk efter att ha letat svar på bilden innan.

Fortsätter med något jättelätt. Mest för att jag vill lägga upp en bild på världens bästa multiplayerbana i världens bästa multiplayerspel genom tiderna (ja, det har jag bestämt så det är inte lönt att protestera.)

Då förstår jag Det var en tanke med valet, inte alla som vet att det kom två versioner som var väldigt olika

Och det vi ser nu är Quake 2.

Av rufio
Skrivet av era909:

La du upp samma spel fast till Sega Geneis/Mega Drive?

Är det en fråga eller ett påstående? Men jag ger dig rätt!

Av rufio

Shadowrun till SNES.


Av rufio

I have done some tinkering lately to improve a lot of stuff, been working on attributes and skills and the effects of those. Since that work is not completely done, I give you a video of some other stuff meanwhile.

In the video you see:
- Improved graphics settings, a lot of Unity games just use the default quality settings but I think it is important to add as much as possible, so I have added most of what Unity offer.
- FOV settings works for those who like to tinker with that, I just think it looks weird
- Just demonstrating the new stuff on the character, if you are close to a wall the weapons/hands will move back a bit to make it more realistic, since I use 2 cameras to avoid clipping you got some scale issues before and the weapons looked tiny since they were actually far through the wall...
- The player can now lean slightly around corners just to peek before entering a room or whatever.
- Like mentioned before you cannot climb while having your hands equipped, to solve that I added holstering/sheathing of weapons.
- Some results of the attributes and skills are shown, in this case reflexes and luck that is used for the calculation of avoiding enemy attacks, this is still being tuned and my stats are maxed out as always, but you can see that you sometimes will evade the enemy attack even if you stand still.
- Now to get some sleep, we fin a cozy little shelter where we can rest our eyes a bit, the problem is that its location is unsafe... There will be 5 different states the sleeping place can have; dangerous, unsafe, uncertain, safe, secure. All have different percentages per hour of you being discovered, so a longer nap at a unsafe or dangerous place will probably end in an encounter with a enemy. A secure place will be just that, so sleep tight in those places.
- You get woken up by a enemy that passed by and made some noise, time to fight for your life.
- Since you were still tired, you take another 1 hour nap, this time nobody finds you. (If it looks edited, that is because it is. Those damn just kept popping up... Need to pick a better place to sleep next time.)
- Some floating platforms that are static, while jumping on stuff like that you can use the shadow as reference on where to land.
- Some new arrows, one for each magical element. All enemies have different resistance/weakness to different elements, this can be used to your advantage if the player knows those weaknesses.
- A little refinement to the aiming, looks a bit better in my opinion.
- Again, pick up arrows that weren't shot at a enemy. Had to fix some bugs with that but now it seems to work dandy.

- And lastly something a bit different, the generation of the dungeon. I have now made it possible to input words (strings) instead of integers which can be way more fun. As you will notice there is not much variation (except the width and length of the floor that is shown) since there is only one tile to draw when the algorithm is taking a random tile, this will of course be changed once the work with adding content begins.

And I would also like to of your opinion on something. Perception in the game is supposed to determine if enemies and hidden stuff is nearby and tell the player, but I am not sure which way is the best to go.

1. The first option is system where all hidden objects/enemies get a rating from 1-10 (the same as all skills), if the player perception level is higher or equal to the object/enemy, the player will be prompted everytime, that is 100% discover rate if equal to or above in level..
2. Option number two is to have no ratings, only set a object/enemy to discoverable. Then the player perception skill level determines a chance between 0-100 % chance (0 skillpoints give 0%, 10 points give 100%) to discover this object every time the player is close to the object/enemy. The potential downside to this is that the player can "spam" the skill by going back and forth in a area hoping to discover anythings that might be there. But on the other hand it is more like throwing a dice than the first option.

So what do you say? How does other games do it (both pen and paper games and computer games)?

Av rufio
Skrivet av Hulle:


Här kommer ett jag spelade jättmycket som liten, hoppas det inte varit med tidigare:


Skrivet av Hulle:

Ledtråd till min bild: Spelet är till Amiga och handlar om ätande...


Bara en fotnot då ingen svarade innan vi gick vidare till nästa, men spelet bör vara Bonecruncher.

Av rufio
Skrivet av Forzo:

Eftersom den här tråden verkar ha dött lite tar jag mig friheten att lägga upp en ny bild. Jag har bara stulit den rakt av från en annan sida så tjuvkika inte på namnet i länken tack (den bör vara ganska enkel ändå tror jag).

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, ett av dom bästa spelen jag spelat, lite utdraget dock.

Fortsätter på lite samma tema:

Av rufio

So a new feature has found its way into the game, the grappling hook. Not sure if it make the final cut though since it can easily become too powerful compared to the rest of the equipment, but with some proper balancing I think it will be fine. I really love the sense of freedom and the possibilities for exploring it gives.

The bow has now been improved with a zoomed mode while aiming, makes it look and feel better as well as functioning better, all in my opinion of course. But before it just kind of hanged in front of the player, now it feels more intimate and realistic.
You can now also see that the arrows are possible to pick up after being shot into a wall or other stuff except enemies.
I also show of the grappling hook and use it while climbing/jumping between parts of a lava pit. And as a reminder, this is in no way a final implementation, just a quick and rough test of the concept.

Av rufio
Skrivet av Jonastjenix:

Riktigt kul grej! Och är grymt imponerad! Blir nästan sugen att mecka runt lite själv när du påstår att du inte hållit på speciellt länge! Kommer följas!

Tack ska du ha, om du är sugen på att göra lite med Unity så finns det 1000 tutorials och liknande, bara att sätta igång!

Kan även uppdatera lite snabbt, har fått in pilbågar hjälpligt i spelet, allt funkar men ser och låter inte så kul. Har även putsat lite på mining skills så det ser bättre ut. Har även börjat trixa mer med det kosmetiska och börjar få in ett bra workflow för delar till grottor osv, så det kommer att bli ett lyft grafiskt.

Får bli en video på det hela också, i tur och ordning:

- The three types of arrows (so far), iron, fire and water. The bow is also being picked up.
- The way the bows work is that the lead hand (equipped hand) tenses and aims the bow, the other hand (as in mouse button) releases the arrow. So you do not have to shoot the arrow even if the bow is aimed and ready, just release the button and the bow is lowered.
- The normal stuff with fire and water items/magic, water put out fires, fire ignites fire.
- Forgot to do it, but you can pick up the arrows again unless it hits an enemy, then they are used up.
- Time to do some mining, picking up the pickaxe. Also picked up some other stuff, mainly the shield which now positions better. The view is blocked on purpose to give a sort of penalty when the shield is active. The shields have passive and active armor rating, active being much higher. Might change to only apply armor value when shield is in place.
- Give the wall a few wacks and it will crumble, if your level is to low there will be a message saying that you are not experienced enough to dig here (I am maxed on everything in all videos).
- The rock passage is just a test of new texturing and modeling techniques, looks way better than before at least, will do a ton of these more organic shapes and put in as details to cover the plain rough geometry.
- Some other graphical stuff, I have experimented with simple volumetric lighting, looks pretty OK but with some tweaks will look even better.
- Just showing that the bow can be equipped in any hand and function accordingly.

Det var allt för denna update, kommentarer som vanligt ytterst välkomna!

Av rufio
Skrivet av SID 6.7:

Varelse nummer två var min favorit, det såg ut som en skön snubbe

Skrivet av Xenoz:

Du, har aldrig spelat något liknande, och jag blir extrem taggad på en färdig produkt

Skrivet av Aurastream:

grymt bra jobbat!

lycka till och god fortsättning!

Tack ska ni ha, jag ska försöka jobba hårt de kommande dagarna innan man börjar jobba igen, förhoppningsvis blir det lite gjort.

Jag målade texturer för första gången idag, jäkligt svårt men det blev ok, går så klart att få det mycket bättre men det ser ok ut för tillfället:

Tanken är att vildsvinet ska användas för att utveckla "hunting skill", den enda skill jag inte programmerat ännu. En högre skill kommer att innebära att man får mer kött från djuren.

Av rufio
Av rufio
Av rufio

Efter extremt mycket jobb, semester i 2 veckor och viss sjukdom har jag äntligen fått lite gjort under dagen, försöker få lite kläm på 3D-modellering vilket är svårt men kul, fått ihop lite efter några timmar iaf, förhoppningsvis blir det bättre med tiden

Av rufio
Skrivet av MysteryTrader:

Space Hulk?

Jag köper det även om det finns flera spel med Space Hulk i titeln, komplett titel är Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels.

Av rufio
Skrivet av Arazand:

Här kommer en lite kluring hoppas jag.

WarGames: Defcon


Av rufio
Skrivet av Roger W:

Hmm, Ravenloft? (Stone prophet?)

Nej, inte riktigt, men det bränns lite

Av rufio
Skrivet av Jockedamus:

ny här då från 1994-95 nån gång



Av rufio

Just a little video with a swarm of enemies following the player and put on a world of hurt (god mode is on though). The new addition is the tiny creepy spiders. They have just a basic poor animation to try stuff out, it will of course be changed later on.

Av rufio
Skrivet av Sunray:

Chasm The Rift, rätt så vanligt spel i denna tråd, konstigt att det inte blev en större hit med tanke på hur många som verkar ha spelat det

En ny, enkel men ack så bra spel: