
Inlägg som reeson har skrivit i forumet
Av reeson


Av reeson

750 + frakt

Av reeson

700kr bud om de finns kvar

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Av reeson

Söka SSD (60-240gb) (150-600kr)

hej! ska fixa en gammal bärbar dator och sätta på linux förhopningsvis och behöver en ssd till det.

komma med försläg...

Läs hela annonsen här

Av reeson

Passa på att bjuder 600kr för en 535

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Av reeson

400+ frakt for en 120gb

Av reeson

bjuder 1450 kr för paketet...

Av reeson

bud 350 + frakt för den 120 gb evo version. kan swish direkt

Av reeson

Bud 350 +frakt for evo

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Av reeson

Bud 1500kr + frakt

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Av reeson

till salu fortfaVfortfarande? Vilken OS har den? Tack

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Av reeson

500kr bud för audio technicas..

Av reeson

800 + frakt bud för ljudkortet

Av reeson

thanks for your help!

Av reeson

so do you think that the G sync is all that? i.e. worth the extra 1.5-3K cash? or will a decent 144hz screen make for the majority of the end experience?

Av reeson

thanks for the list!

do you think G sync monitors are over rated? worth the 1200kr premium? kinda i7 vs. Gsync decision...

is the hyper threading part of the i7 gunna be the future proofing part that will help when they code games better in the future? from what i can understand some games are more CPU dependent (online multiplayer amongst other things) and could become my bottleneck when i get another GPU or game coding evolves?

if i have a z97 socket MB i could also upgrade to the 5000 series CPU later if it is quite limiting?

also whats the go with buying windows OS keys off of here(market) from peps off the second hand market? dodgy?.. see them come up quite often as i was gunna make a second hand GTX770 build till the 970 came along.

also it seems like all gamers are all about buying from Inet? whats with that... are they that good? they dont seam super cheap vs the rest i.e. etc ..

Av reeson

15K ish im not 100% on the Gsync monitor but def wana go 144hz. thought about the BENQ 2420Z will add another GTX970, SSD, more/better fans, perhaps water cooling, depending how the air cooling goes. At least for now i can buy more over the next 3 months... its gunna be used mostly for winter.. if i had a bigger budget i would go SLI and get a higher res screen...

Av reeson

i now realize that it doesnt have space for a dvd drive. maybe i can plug the dvd reader on the side to install things(not sure what apart from the OS). i also need a new windows OS. i have seen them for sale on the market here for around 400kr wondered if that is a safe option or i should just shell out for the 800+kr store copy?

Av reeson

Future Proof Build. GTX 970, i4690K, Z97, 144 Hz screen, 2133hz RAM??

So i wanted some tips on the above build. my svinglish would just confuse things =). My aim was to make a future gaming(mostly FPS) and entertainment proof build(3-5yrs). i have a 24" 60Hz 1080p asus VS248H screen which i will use as a second monitor-quite happy with it. I feel at least for the next 2-3 years ill be happy sitting at 1080p gaming till things with 4K tech get cheaper and more common. so i opted for a AOC 24" 144hz gsync screen thus i can play a range of games(demanding i.e. crysis3 to others that will hit 144hz) and milk the most out of my GTX 970 with Gsync. Later perhaps a higher resolution screen and another GTX in sli. I want to play everything at the ULTIMATE setting and be at atleast 40FPS. Something i havnt been able to do for years, Thus maybe another GTX970 in a year or so before they are phased out.. BTW im quite fond of asus.

Any help with suggestions or alternatives would be appreciated!

i already have a Intel 330 180Gb SSD and a few old 3,5" data drives ill use for media and Steam perhaps (backed up to a NAS)

so future proof
-dont feel i need to OC now but quite likely later on when out of warranty.
-could be combined as part of a entertainment system. I have a synology DS213j but it is too week to transcode it turns out so gunna see how i go with a google chromecast which supports plex media streamer as does synology at least in some formats incl. x264. otherwise perhaps use this for some video transcoding from my NAS to a TV with chromecast or another client if it doesnt work.

***I have come across one potential problem that the ram at 1700/2133hz may not be supported by the CPU? or can i work around this in bios.