LGTV Companion - app for powering on or off your LG WebOS TV with your PC.


LGTV Companion - app for powering on or off your LG WebOS TV with your PC.


The purpose of this thread is to announce the release of the 'LGTV Companion', and also to act as placeholder for notifications of future releases as well as for discussions. Please report issues here or in the 'Issues' tracker on GitHub.

This application (UI and service) controls LG WebOS TVs and displays.

This application aim to:

  1. provide automatic management for your WebOS display, to shut off and turn on in reponse to to the PC shutting down, rebooting, entering low power modes as well as and when user is afk (idle).

  2. provide the user with a command line tool to turn displays on or off.

With the rise in popularity of using OLED TVs as PC monitors, it is apparent that standard functionality of PC-monitors is missing. Particularly turning the display on or off in response to power events in windows. With OLED monitors this is particularly important to prevent "burn-in", or more accurately pixel-wear.

This is released as open source, under the MIT license. Please download it from GitHub:

LGTV Companion x64 v1.0.0

Feel free to spread the word about this application if you feel it useful.

Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.


Fasen va gött! Ska prova! Se om jag kan slippa fjärren.

Visa signatur

GTX 260 SC | GTX 280 SLI | GTX 280 Tri SLi | GTX 590 Quad SLi | GTX 980 ti | RTX 2080 Ti Strix OC | RTX 3090 Strix OC | RTX 4090 Strix OC
The Way It's Meant to be Played|NVIDIA

ASUS MAXIMUS Z790 APEX Encore | i9-14900KS (delidded/direct-die) | 2x24GB G.Skill 8000 M-die | Corsair AX1600i | Samsung 990 PRO 4TB | Corsair 7000D Airflow | 15x Corsair ML Pros (8x ML120 Pro, 7x ML140 Pro) | Rads 360+360+420 | LG C3 48" 120Hz


Stänga av fungerar klockrent, men starta fungerar inte alls. Varken på "Turn on" eller Enter eller vänta ett tag för Pixel Shifter etc. Även provat klicka i alla "Restart words". Stänga av och Starta TVn via iOS lirar klockrent med Homekit. "Turn on with Wifi" är Aktiverat.

Visa signatur

GTX 260 SC | GTX 280 SLI | GTX 280 Tri SLi | GTX 590 Quad SLi | GTX 980 ti | RTX 2080 Ti Strix OC | RTX 3090 Strix OC | RTX 4090 Strix OC
The Way It's Meant to be Played|NVIDIA

ASUS MAXIMUS Z790 APEX Encore | i9-14900KS (delidded/direct-die) | 2x24GB G.Skill 8000 M-die | Corsair AX1600i | Samsung 990 PRO 4TB | Corsair 7000D Airflow | 15x Corsair ML Pros (8x ML120 Pro, 7x ML140 Pro) | Rads 360+360+420 | LG C3 48" 120Hz



TVn väcks via Wake-On-Lan (WOL), så MAC-addressen måste vara korrekt. Kan du dubbelkolla den? Du ser rätt MAC i TVns nätverksinställningar. Låt mig veta om det inte fungerar och om du har lust hjälpa till felsöka i övrigt.


Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.


IP och MAC Adress stämmer, kan hjälpa till och felsöka i övrigt.

Visa signatur

GTX 260 SC | GTX 280 SLI | GTX 280 Tri SLi | GTX 590 Quad SLi | GTX 980 ti | RTX 2080 Ti Strix OC | RTX 3090 Strix OC | RTX 4090 Strix OC
The Way It's Meant to be Played|NVIDIA

ASUS MAXIMUS Z790 APEX Encore | i9-14900KS (delidded/direct-die) | 2x24GB G.Skill 8000 M-die | Corsair AX1600i | Samsung 990 PRO 4TB | Corsair 7000D Airflow | 15x Corsair ML Pros (8x ML120 Pro, 7x ML140 Pro) | Rads 360+360+420 | LG C3 48" 120Hz

Skrivet av dbxxx:

IP och MAC Adress stämmer, kan hjälpa till och felsöka i övrigt.

Tack, du har PM

Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.


Jag vill meddela att Appen fungerar klockrent nu efter felsökning. Man behöver ha "Quickstart+" aktiverat i menyn på LG CXn. Supernöjd! Vill rekommendera appen till alla som vill slippa fjärren.

Tack @leadc4ge.

Visa signatur

GTX 260 SC | GTX 280 SLI | GTX 280 Tri SLi | GTX 590 Quad SLi | GTX 980 ti | RTX 2080 Ti Strix OC | RTX 3090 Strix OC | RTX 4090 Strix OC
The Way It's Meant to be Played|NVIDIA

ASUS MAXIMUS Z790 APEX Encore | i9-14900KS (delidded/direct-die) | 2x24GB G.Skill 8000 M-die | Corsair AX1600i | Samsung 990 PRO 4TB | Corsair 7000D Airflow | 15x Corsair ML Pros (8x ML120 Pro, 7x ML140 Pro) | Rads 360+360+420 | LG C3 48" 120Hz


Låter ju som något man bör testa ja

Visa signatur

Mr. Scriptman


New version v1.2.0 published here: https://github.com/JPersson77/LGTVCompanion


  • Update logic for managing power events.

  • Removal of redundant options

  • More useful logging and error messages

  • fixed proper command line interpretation of arguments enclosed in "quotes"

  • bug fix in the installer, see below important note

  • Minor bug fixes

PLEASE NOTE! The previous installer will delete any current settings and log files so you unfortunately need to set up your devices again (or manually copy config.json in C:\ProgramData\LGTV Companion). Sorry for the inconvenience. Fixed in this installer.

Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.


Snyggt! Tog kopia på config.json innan Väldigt clean nu.

Visa signatur

GTX 260 SC | GTX 280 SLI | GTX 280 Tri SLi | GTX 590 Quad SLi | GTX 980 ti | RTX 2080 Ti Strix OC | RTX 3090 Strix OC | RTX 4090 Strix OC
The Way It's Meant to be Played|NVIDIA

ASUS MAXIMUS Z790 APEX Encore | i9-14900KS (delidded/direct-die) | 2x24GB G.Skill 8000 M-die | Corsair AX1600i | Samsung 990 PRO 4TB | Corsair 7000D Airflow | 15x Corsair ML Pros (8x ML120 Pro, 7x ML140 Pro) | Rads 360+360+420 | LG C3 48" 120Hz

Skrivet av leadc4ge:

New version v1.2.0 published here: https://github.com/JPersson77/LGTVCompanion


  • Update logic for managing power events.

  • Removal of redundant options

  • More useful logging and error messages

  • fixed proper command line interpretation of arguments enclosed in "quotes"

  • bug fix in the installer, see below important note

  • Minor bug fixes

PLEASE NOTE! The previous installer will delete any current settings and log files so you unfortunately need to set up your devices again (or manually copy config.json in C:\ProgramData\LGTV Companion). Sorry for the inconvenience. Fixed in this installer.

Vart sätter jag in pengar som tack för detta fantastiska program?

Visa signatur


Skrivet av tsc:

Vart sätter jag in pengar som tack för detta fantastiska program?

Glad att det uppskattas!

Well, jag har precis gått och blivit coronarbetslös med allt vad det innebär så jag skulle nog inte kunna tacka nej om du vill säga tack. Inget måste dock. Fri mjukvara. Kan PMa mitt nummer.

Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.

Skrivet av leadc4ge:

Glad att det uppskattas!

Well, jag har precis gått och blivit coronarbetslös med allt vad det innebär så jag skulle nog inte kunna tacka nej om du vill säga tack. Inget måste dock. Fri mjukvara. Kan PMa mitt nummer.

Skickade in en slant. Tusen tack igen.

Visa signatur



Jag är överväldigad! Tack tsc!

Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.


New version v1.3.0 published here: https://github.com/JPersson77/LGTVCompanion

- Output Host IP in log (for debugging purposes) and additional logging
- Display warning in UI when TV is configured on a subnet different from PC
- Add service dependencies
- Set service shutdown priority
- Implemented option to automatically check for new application version (off by default)
- Bug fixes and optimisations

Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.


New version v1.4.0 published here: https://github.com/JPersson77/LGTVCompanion

Additional network options for powering on device via WOL
Minor bugfixes and optimizations

Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.


I'm having some issues with my TV automatictly turning on after timeout. Turning off when locking screen works fine, but wont turn on when touching mouse/keyboard. I've recently updated to latest firmware on then CX (04.30.10). Could be something else..

* Updated my old but gold Companion 1.2.0 to latest 1.4.2.
* Checked IP/MAC adress. Turning off works fine.
* Checked the settings for "Quick Start+" and its Enabled.
* Restarted PC aswell as trying out Self Test and restart the service.

Anyone else haveing same issues?

Visa signatur

GTX 260 SC | GTX 280 SLI | GTX 280 Tri SLi | GTX 590 Quad SLi | GTX 980 ti | RTX 2080 Ti Strix OC | RTX 3090 Strix OC | RTX 4090 Strix OC
The Way It's Meant to be Played|NVIDIA

ASUS MAXIMUS Z790 APEX Encore | i9-14900KS (delidded/direct-die) | 2x24GB G.Skill 8000 M-die | Corsair AX1600i | Samsung 990 PRO 4TB | Corsair 7000D Airflow | 15x Corsair ML Pros (8x ML120 Pro, 7x ML140 Pro) | Rads 360+360+420 | LG C3 48" 120Hz



Hey, can we establish some common terminology. What does "locking screen" mean? Guessing it is when windows is set to turn off the screen in the control panel, i.e turn the screen off after 5 minutes of inactivity.

You mention that the TV does not turn on, when you touch mouse/keyboard. I assume this is following the above event of the screen turning off as a response to the user being inactive at the computer?

You also mentioned that you are having issues with the TV autmoatically turning on after timeout. Is this an additional issue apart from what I've written or is this the same issue but in other words?

If my assumptions above on the issue is correct, can you please enable the logging functionality and send it to me with the time for when the TV should have turned off.

Hmmm, come to think of it now that I finished typing this up. There is a possibility that what you refer to is the timeout as set in the options of the TVm and not in the options of windows. Please clarify what you mean and I'll try to help

Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.

Skrivet av leadc4ge:


Hey, can we establish some common terminology. What does "locking screen" mean? Guessing it is when windows is set to turn off the screen in the control panel, i.e turn the screen off after 5 minutes of inactivity.

You mention that the TV does not turn on, when you touch mouse/keyboard. I assume this is following the above event of the screen turning off as a response to the user being inactive at the computer?

You also mentioned that you are having issues with the TV autmoatically turning on after timeout. Is this an additional issue apart from what I've written or is this the same issue but in other words?

If my assumptions above on the issue is correct, can you please enable the logging functionality and send it to me with the time for when the TV should have turned off.

Hmmm, come to think of it now that I finished typing this up. There is a possibility that what you refer to is the timeout as set in the options of the TVm and not in the options of windows. Please clarify what you mean and I'll try to help

"locking screen" was misspelled. What I meant was the lockscreen (Windows). The timeout was something I found in the Options for the LGTV Companion app, I made sure I waited a minute after the screen automatictly turned off, before hitting the keyboard/mouse.

Like I said, this has been so perfect for so long. Why I've stayed with the 1.2.0 app for so long and not updated, even tho I've downloaded all new version and saved them. All firmware updates on the CX has been fine until this one.
It could be something else entirely, like Nvidia or Windows update that has cause it not to "Turn on" with the App.

I appriciate that you take time to help me out. This app has been a lifesaver, its so good!!

Visa signatur

GTX 260 SC | GTX 280 SLI | GTX 280 Tri SLi | GTX 590 Quad SLi | GTX 980 ti | RTX 2080 Ti Strix OC | RTX 3090 Strix OC | RTX 4090 Strix OC
The Way It's Meant to be Played|NVIDIA

ASUS MAXIMUS Z790 APEX Encore | i9-14900KS (delidded/direct-die) | 2x24GB G.Skill 8000 M-die | Corsair AX1600i | Samsung 990 PRO 4TB | Corsair 7000D Airflow | 15x Corsair ML Pros (8x ML120 Pro, 7x ML140 Pro) | Rads 360+360+420 | LG C3 48" 120Hz


Thanks, happy you enjoy it. V 1.4.2 has been working nicely so far.

So just to sum up what happens: you lock the computer (f.e by pressing WIN+L maybe), and while your PC is on the lock screen your screen turns off. Some time pass, you return to the PC and try to use the mouse or keyboard to wake the screen (PC is still running) but this does not work? Is this a correct understanding of the situation?

Can you PM me a log please? And indicate at what time you are trying to wake the PC so I can compare your actions with the information in the log. Cheers!

Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.

Skrivet av leadc4ge:

Thanks, happy you enjoy it. V 1.4.2 has been working nicely so far.

So just to sum up what happens: you lock the computer (f.e by pressing WIN+L maybe), and while your PC is on the lock screen your screen turns off. Some time pass, you return to the PC and try to use the mouse or keyboard to wake the screen (PC is still running) but this does not work? Is this a correct understanding of the situation?

Can you PM me a log please? And indicate at what time you are trying to wake the PC so I can compare your actions with the information in the log. Cheers!

That is correct and have been working perfectly until recently I'll PM you.

Visa signatur

GTX 260 SC | GTX 280 SLI | GTX 280 Tri SLi | GTX 590 Quad SLi | GTX 980 ti | RTX 2080 Ti Strix OC | RTX 3090 Strix OC | RTX 4090 Strix OC
The Way It's Meant to be Played|NVIDIA

ASUS MAXIMUS Z790 APEX Encore | i9-14900KS (delidded/direct-die) | 2x24GB G.Skill 8000 M-die | Corsair AX1600i | Samsung 990 PRO 4TB | Corsair 7000D Airflow | 15x Corsair ML Pros (8x ML120 Pro, 7x ML140 Pro) | Rads 360+360+420 | LG C3 48" 120Hz


New version v1.5.0 published here: https://github.com/JPersson77/LGTVCompanion


  • New feature: option to disable automatically turning off devices when the WebOS device is not set to the PC input (HDMI input 1-4). - this can be useful to prevent the display from powering off when the PC is not the source, f e when using the netflix app or when gaming on your console.

  • New feature: option to enable advanced user-idle monitoring system to provide enhanced burn-in protection and power savings. - This is fundamentally a more aggressive screen saver, designed to complement the OS's power saving options and just work, regardless of any media players, games or other software potentially preventing the PC from entering a low power mode / suspend / idle. It works by detecting when the user has not used the keyboard, mouse or a controller for X minutes and then turn off the display's emitters. Ideal for ensuring the longevity of your Display.

  • Bugfixes and optimisations

Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.



Visa signatur

GTX 260 SC | GTX 280 SLI | GTX 280 Tri SLi | GTX 590 Quad SLi | GTX 980 ti | RTX 2080 Ti Strix OC | RTX 3090 Strix OC | RTX 4090 Strix OC
The Way It's Meant to be Played|NVIDIA

ASUS MAXIMUS Z790 APEX Encore | i9-14900KS (delidded/direct-die) | 2x24GB G.Skill 8000 M-die | Corsair AX1600i | Samsung 990 PRO 4TB | Corsair 7000D Airflow | 15x Corsair ML Pros (8x ML120 Pro, 7x ML140 Pro) | Rads 360+360+420 | LG C3 48" 120Hz


Supertack! Installerar och ser om allt är som vanligt ^^.

Visa signatur



New version v1.6.0 pushed on GitHub: https://github.com/JPersson77/LGTVCompanion

- Feature / option to let app automatically set HDMI input on system startup or resume from low power mode (excl 'modern standby' on modern laptops).
- Command line parameters to set HDMI input (see the readme)

Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.

Skrivet av leadc4ge:

New version v1.6.0 pushed on GitHub: https://github.com/JPersson77/LGTVCompanion

- Feature / option to let app automatically set HDMI input on system startup or resume from low power mode (excl 'modern standby' on modern laptops).
- Command line parameters to set HDMI input (see the readme)

Fortfarande otroligt tacksam för ditt arbete. Dessutom får jag en härlig notis på skrivbordet att det finns en uppdatering.

Hoppas din vecka blir lika bra som min och beyond!

Visa signatur



New version v1.7.0 pushed on GitHub: https://github.com/JPersson77/LGTVCompanion


  • Increased robustness of user idle detection during RDP remote host session

  • Option to power off devices during RDP to minimise risk of burn in from the static login screen

  • Some additional help texts in the options dialog outlining the advanced power options and enhanced burn in protection options.

  • Various bugfixes and optimisations

Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.


Your app got featured on LinusTechTips 😊

Visa signatur

Macbook Pro 14"
10Gb internet 🙌

Skrivet av TobiasStockholm:

Your app got featured on LinusTechTips 😊


Visa signatur

GTX 260 SC | GTX 280 SLI | GTX 280 Tri SLi | GTX 590 Quad SLi | GTX 980 ti | RTX 2080 Ti Strix OC | RTX 3090 Strix OC | RTX 4090 Strix OC
The Way It's Meant to be Played|NVIDIA

ASUS MAXIMUS Z790 APEX Encore | i9-14900KS (delidded/direct-die) | 2x24GB G.Skill 8000 M-die | Corsair AX1600i | Samsung 990 PRO 4TB | Corsair 7000D Airflow | 15x Corsair ML Pros (8x ML120 Pro, 7x ML140 Pro) | Rads 360+360+420 | LG C3 48" 120Hz


New version v1.8.0 pushed on GitHub: https://github.com/JPersson77/LGTVCompanion


  • New optional feature to ensure that LGTV Companion will power on or power off your WebOS-devices in accordance with the enabled or disabled state of your PC's HDMI-outputs. I e, the app will now conform to the windows monitor topology. Please enable the feature in the global options and ensure to use the configuration guide.

  • Minor bugfixes and corrections

Visa signatur

There are two kinds of people. People you drink with and people who make you want to drink.