Shutdown från filarkivet?


Shutdown från filarkivet?

Jag undrar om det praktiska programet som jag tror funnits i filarkivet innan kan hittas någonstanns. där man kunde ställa in att datorn ska stängas av om tex 3h 42min 11sek. med forced shutdown O.S.V

Visa signatur

Gaming: Epenis ++
Everything else: MacBook Air M1
Work: MBP M1


Om det går bra med endast hela timmar så kan du använda min hemmaknåpade bat-fil.

@ECHO off title Shutdowntimer [On/Off] REM Avstängningstimer av Save på :start cls ECHO. ECHO. ECHO [Shutdown/Reboot-timer] ECHO. ECHO Current time is: time /T ECHO. ECHO Shutdown-timer: Reboot-timer: ECHO 1. = 1 hour Q. = 1 hour ECHO 2. = 2 hours W. = 2 hours ECHO 3. = 3 hours E. = 3 hours ECHO 4. = 4 hours R. = 4 hours ECHO 5. = 5 hours T. = 5 hours ECHO 6. = 6 hours Y. = 6 hours ECHO. ECHO 0. Stop timer (applies to all) ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Set timer by typing a value from the list above, then press [ENTER] set choice= set /p choice=Choice: if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1% if '%choice%'=='1' goto 1 if '%choice%'=='2' goto 2 if '%choice%'=='3' goto 3 if '%choice%'=='4' goto 4 if '%choice%'=='5' goto 5 if '%choice%'=='6' goto 6 if '%choice%'=='q' goto Q if '%choice%'=='w' goto W if '%choice%'=='e' goto E if '%choice%'=='r' goto R if '%choice%'=='t' goto T if '%choice%'=='y' goto Y if '%choice%'=='Q' goto Q if '%choice%'=='W' goto W if '%choice%'=='E' goto E if '%choice%'=='R' goto R if '%choice%'=='T' goto T if '%choice%'=='Y' goto Y if '%choice%'=='0' goto 0 cls ECHO "%choice%" The given command doesnt exist, re-running BATch. ECHO. goto start :1 cls ECHO. ECHO Shutdowntimer (1 hour) started. shutdown -s -t 3600 -f -c "Shutdown issued by user from BATch-file (1 hour), remember to save your work before shutdown strikes." goto end :2 cls ECHO. ECHO Shutdowntimer (2 hours) started. shutdown -s -t 7200 -f -c "Shutdown issued by user from BATch-file (2 hours), remember to save your work before shutdown strikes." goto end :3 cls ECHO. ECHO Shutdowntimer (3 hours) started. shutdown -s -t 10800 -f -c "Shutdown issued by user from BATch-file (3 hours), remember to save your work before shutdown strikes." goto end :4 cls ECHO. ECHO Shutdowntimer (4 hours) started. shutdown -s -t 14400 -f -c "Shutdown issued by user from BATch-file (4 hours), remember to save your work before shutdown strikes." goto end :5 cls ECHO. ECHO Shutdowntimer (5 hours) started. shutdown -s -t 18000 -f -c "Shutdown issued by user from BATch-file (5 hours), remember to save your work before shutdown strikes." goto end :6 cls ECHO. ECHO Shutdowntimer (6 hours) started. shutdown -s -t 21600 -f -c "Shutdown issued by user from BATch-file (6 hours), remember to save your work before shutdown strikes." goto end :Q cls ECHO. ECHO Reboot-timer (1 hour) started. shutdown -r -t 3600 -f -c "Restart issued by user from BATch-file (1 hour), remember to save your work before restart strikes." goto end :W cls ECHO. ECHO Reboot-timer (2 hours) started. shutdown -r -t 7200 -f -c "Restart issued by user from BATch-file (2 hours), remember to save your work before restart strikes." goto end :E cls ECHO. ECHO Reboot-timer (3 hours) started. shutdown -r -t 10800 -f -c "Restart issued by user from BATch-file (3 hours), remember to save your work before restart strikes." goto end :R cls ECHO. ECHO Reboot-timer (4 hours) started. shutdown -r -t 14400 -f -c "Restart issued by user from BATch-file (4 hours), remember to save your work before restart strikes." goto end :T cls ECHO. ECHO Reboot-timer (5 hours) started. shutdown -r -t 18000 -f -c "Restart issued by user from BATch-file (5 hours), remember to save your work before restart strikes." goto end :Y cls ECHO. ECHO Reboot-timer (6 hours) started. shutdown -r -t 21600 -f -c "Restart issued by user from BATch-file (6 hours), remember to save your work before restart strikes." goto end :0 cls ECHO. ECHO Shutdown terminated. shutdown -a goto end :end ECHO. ECHO Are you happy with your settings? ECHO [1/Y = Yes] ECHO [2/N = No ] set choice= set /p choice=Choice: if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1% if '%choice%'=='1' goto close if '%choice%'=='2' goto start if '%choice%'=='y' goto close if '%choice%'=='n' goto start if '%choice%'=='Y' goto close if '%choice%'=='N' goto start cls ECHO "%choice%" The given command doesnt exist, use 1/Y or 2/N to command. ECHO. goto end :close exit

Kopiera, klistra in i ett textdokument, spara som shut.bat och lägg den i din Windows-mapp. Därefter kan du trycka Windowstangenten + R, skriva shut och trycka enter så är du igång.

Visa signatur

i7 920 | 12GB DDR3 | GTX 480 | GA-X58A-UD7 | 160GB SSD X25-M G2 | 1TB F3 HD103SJ | W7 64-bit | Mac Mini

Visa signatur

Kolla gärna in min RGB-LED-ljusstake i galleriet
[Gigabyte GA-Z97MX-Gaming 5][Intel Core i5 4690K][Corsair XMS3 16GB][Asus GeForce RTX 2060 Super Dual Evo OC]


Hittade precis ett sådant på för inte så längesedan.

Visa signatur

Neun und neunsich.

Visa signatur

iMac 27" 5K - i5 3.5Ghz - Radeon Pro 575 - 8GB
Corsair Crystal 460X RGB|Intel Core i7-8086K Limited Edition|Corsair Hydro Series H100i v2|MSI Z370 Gaming Pro Carbon|Ballistix Sport LT DDR4 16GB|Samsung PM981 SSD 512GB M.2 PCIe SSD|ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Turbo|