
ASUS Rampage VI Extreme X299

The flagship of this new family is the Rampage VI Extreme, which balances power and design to elevate showcase PCs. It’s made specifically for machines with custom liquid cooling and carefully bent tubing. Along with all of the usual fan and pump headers, we added dual flow headers that let you monitor the coolant coursing through your loop. There’s also a special connector that lets water blocks designed for the Extreme provide flow, temperature, and leakage data.
Almost every aspect of the Rampage VI Extreme has been enhanced to give you more. The usual Intel Gigabit Ethernet controller is bolstered by an onboard 10G chip capable of increasing networking throughput by an order of magnitude. The board also features upgraded the Wi-Fi to the latest 802.11ad standard, increasing wireless bandwidth up to 4.6Gbps.

To help avoid unsightly wiring, three M.2 SSDs can be added to the board without using the VROC card. One slots under the Extreme’s outer skin, while the other two ride our DIMM.2 module next to the memory slots. A U.2 connector is also included for compatibility with enterprise-grade PCIe SSDs. The onboard Thunderbolt header lets you extend high-speed connectivity to external devices with our optional add-in card.

A reinforcing backplate helps the Rampage VI Extreme support heavily loaded rigs. The metal bracing also includes a separate GPU Holder that shoulders the weight of sagging graphics cards. The low-profile bracket leaves enough clearance for SLI bridges, and it’s strong enough to handle the beefiest cards.

New for X299, the Rampage VI Extreme integrates a LiveDash OLED screen that lets you monitor system temperatures, frequencies, and fan speeds right on the board. The dashboard also displays custom messages and graphics to add a little extra flair to your build. It’s complemented by enough onboard LEDs and strip headers to put on a show.

Visa signatur

Zenith Extreme Alpha | Threadripper 2950X | 3080 Ti TUF OC | 64GB DDR4 3200MHz | 970 EVO Plus 1TB | 3x Red Pro 10 TB @ raid0 | OLED42C2 + 2x U3014


Får ju vissa ha begär

Visa signatur

If it can't run Crisys its a calculater

The New Build The Torrent 2,0

Skrivet av Tip Top:

Får ju vissa ha begär

Verkligen. Dags för en rejäl uppgradering nu

Visa signatur

Zenith Extreme Alpha | Threadripper 2950X | 3080 Ti TUF OC | 64GB DDR4 3200MHz | 970 EVO Plus 1TB | 3x Red Pro 10 TB @ raid0 | OLED42C2 + 2x U3014


Frågan är ju bara hur presterar dom nya cpu:erna mot brodwell e

Tror dock det blir strix modellen för mig

Visa signatur

If it can't run Crisys its a calculater

The New Build The Torrent 2,0


Någon som vet vad Molex-kontakten under sista PCIe är tänkt till? Hittar inget i manualen om det.

Skrivet av Suiyoubi:

Någon som vet vad Molex-kontakten under sista PCIe är tänkt till? Hittar inget i manualen om det.

Förse pci-e platserna med extra ström om man kör många gpu:er till exempel. 2 gpu:er behövs den ej men vid 3 eller 4st så kan det vara bra att ha den inpluggad

Visa signatur

If it can't run Crisys its a calculater

The New Build The Torrent 2,0
