77-80 Up till 600 000xp/h [Engelska]


77-80 Up till 600 000xp/h [Engelska]

Tänkte dela med mig av detta då jag vet att vissa tycker questa o levela är olidligt tråkigt. Taget från MMOWNED.COM. all credit går till Captian Bad. För er som inte orkar klicka;

Change of Pace Leveling 77-80 Icecrown (~600,000XP/hour)

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EDIT: IMPORTANT NOTE... Once you have turned in this quest, you can NO LONGER do it. Ever. Do NOT turn in the quest if you wish to use this method of leveling.
Edit: Woops. My mistake. This is a daily repeatable quest so... go crazy. You can turn in the quest and it will be available to you again the next day.

I hope this isn't a repost since I haven't contributed anything in a while, but here it goes.

This method of grinding can net you roughly 600,000XP/hour. This isn't the best method in the world, but it's fast, changes the pace of boring instance grinding/quest grinding and I personally like aerial vehicular combat.

Faster than average XP gain. (For me anyway)
Absolute minimal downtime. (talking 3-4 seconds here)
Available to both Horde and Alliance.

It's a grind.
You gain no loot. (Without taking a hit to your XP/hour ratio)
Requires Level 77 and a completion of a question chain.

The Quest Itself and what you need:
No Fly Zone - Quest - World of Warcraft
This quest provides you with an item called "Bone Gryphon"
It's a very fast mount and has a sprint type ability that makes you even faster.
Heirloom items. I would have not been able to net this XP gain without the two bonus XP heirloom items. Without them I would only be netting 480,000 xp an hour. Still decent but not as good.

The Trick:
A lot of vehicles don't yield XP to the player when they get a kill using it. The thing about this vehicle is it both yields XP and a lootable NPC body. This item that provides you with a Bone Gryphon flying mount can kill ONE mob and ONE mob only called the Onslaught Gryphon Rider which is located here: Onslaught Gryphon Rider - NPC - World of Warcraft

Basically, this mount gives you the capability of absolutely obliterating the mobs. This is especially handy if you're a melee class without a self heal.

The Method:
Not very difficult here. Just run around with your bone gryphon shooting down every single gryphon rider you see. There are SO many of them that it is absolutely impossible to run out and if you end up in a place that doesn't have any left, just use the vehicle mounts sprint ability and you can be in a populated area with tons of mob in seconds.

Now the problem is, you can't loot the corpses. Well you can, but if you want to max your XP at 600,000/hour you'll have to skip looting corpses. On top of that they're a pain to loot since many times they'll fall into the water or ontop of mobs that you cannot kill with your vehicle mount.

I hope this helps a few levelers out there. I know it's not the most awesome method in the world, but it's faster than what I know a lot of players are used to in terms of XP/hour wise.

An Extra Hint:
If someone out there, I know there is, is capable of creating a little autoit or macro or something that pushes the number "1" automatically for you repeatedly, it will definitely cut down on the button mashing. All you'd have to do is fly around and point your gryphon in the right direction while the macro autospams its main attack.


Vad är Xp/Hour med snabb och effektiv questing med hjälp av en guide typ zygor?

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Citera för svar!

Skrivet av propan:

Vad är Xp/Hour med snabb och effektiv questing med hjälp av en guide typ zygor?

Varför ha guide när man kan ha egna fötter/questhelper/carbonite quest?

Visa signatur

AMD Phenom II X4 720 BE @ 3.61 GHz || MSI 790XT-G45 Crossfire || 800MHz 4GB Corsair|| Sapphire HD5850 1GB || Corsair 650W || BENQ G2400W 1920x1200

Skrivet av Mupp3n:

Varför ha guide när man kan ha egna fötter/questhelper/carbonite quest?

Jag körde med det, skönt när den berättar exakt i vilken ordnining och var man ska göra det. Har man kört igenom spelet några gånger är det inte lika kul längre ;).

Visa signatur

Citera för svar!

Skrivet av propan:

Vad är Xp/Hour med snabb och effektiv questing med hjälp av en guide typ zygor?

Under 2h i Sholazar Basin från 79-80

Visa signatur

E ä e å å i å ä e ö meaning There is a small river and in this small river there is an island .


Trevligt tips men den luckan lär ju täppas ganska snabbt.

Fördelen att köra med en guide som Zygor/Dugi mfl är att man behöver inte tänka , bara att föja anvisningarna och man vet att man kör effektivt och inte slösar tid på att springa fram o tillbaka.

Jag har kört med questhelper och även via Wow-pro's guider och där så förlorar man ganska många timmar på att springa fram och tillbaka , tidsskillnaden blr ganska stor faktiskt.

Visa signatur

RYZEN 7-3700X ,ASUS Crosshair VI HERO ,G.skill Ripjaws V Black 3600MHz 32GB ,Noctua NH-D15-SE-AM4 ,Samsung 960 EVO NVMe M.2 SSD 250GB , ASUS Geforce RTX 3080ti TUF Gaming ,Fractal Design Define R5 , Corsair RM850x 850W