
Inlägg som MetallicAcid har skrivit i forumet
Av MetallicAcid

Of course you would say that But I want your Air 540 to shine, so maybe something else is what I need

I have not had enough time to send the silicone tube to you just yet, just so you know... I have late shifts for the rest of the week, but I'll try to make it to the post office before the weekend. If not, then I can definitely drop it off to a post office during the weekend when grocery shopping!


Av MetallicAcid

Hey guys and girls

I have created an account, and have created a gallery for this build log. I wanted to see what everybody thinks this computer deserves out of a score of 10... So if you have an account, please throw me a vote


P.S. If I were to start another project, which case would you like to see me mod?

Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av Arioch2004:

Very nice build. Can I just ask what kind of led strips are those you are using?

Skrivet av Arioch2004:

Thank you. I will order some of those strips.

No problem Arioch!

So, I have a question for everybody!

I have created an account, and have created a gallery for this build log. I wanted to see what everybody thinks this computer deserves out of a score of 10... So if you have an account, please throw me a vote


Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av Arioch2004:

Very nice build. Can I just ask what kind of led strips are those you are using?

Thanks mate! The LED's are just bought from Here is a link to the product:

They suited my needs perfectly, and I still have a meter left over if I decide to have more lighting. I would also recommend buying some Akasa 4pin extensions to connect out the LED strips if you are planning to do panels like I have. You just cut the cable in half, and solder the wires onto the solder points located on the LED strips. This will make your life much easier if you have to take out or upgrade components/chassi, as you can quickly connect and disconnect each panel from each other. I have one of these for my GPU backplate, and it made my life much easier when installing the GPU into the TJ08-E, and when I eventually have to pull out the GPU when it is time to upgrade.

I hope this information helps!!


Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av YellowSnOw:

ERMAGERD.. Mums :3 Awesome, just.. Awesome. Thanks for sharing this amazing artwork. I'm already in love with the tj08-e, but now I think I have found my soulmate. Thanks again, MetallicAcid. You sir, just made my day!

Cheers! // Yell.

Thank you Snow. I am proud to have made your day mate!

Skrivet av dulingen:

I just sold my crossfire rig in tj-08e. 2x 6970 and a 2500k.

I had a 200m radiator in the front and a 120 in the back with push'n'pull.

The 6970s had about stock clock and the 2500k was running at 4.5 ghz.

The temps was about 45-50 while gaming. Tried prime95 and the processor went up to about 65 but the other parts was the same.

Good temps considering the rad space I am still considering putting the GPU under water if I can find the money.


Av MetallicAcid

There are people who have run an SLI config in the TJ08-E, but they needed an additional 120mm rad to cover the heat released. Even then, the owner couldn't have an extreme overclock on the cards without creating to much heat.


Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av Rasmusdator123:

Löjligt snyggt!


Skrivet av MagicWizard:

That thing you made of the TJ08-E is fantastic and I would love to see a unit this pretty mass produced. Also it would be amazing to see what you could do with the outside of the case.
It's like a spaceship inside...

I would love to mod the outside as well, but I don't think I have so much time because of my 2month old daughter deserving my attention. But that said, I do have some plans to "upgrade" the outside of the case when I have some more free time

Skrivet av GooGeL:

Nice build!


I bumped into acrylic tubing by luck today (maybe!) over at Frozencpu, after that I had discovered yer post. Apparently Primochill sells them under their brand now. You just need a heat gun, lil' help from a silicon insert (so the tube won't collapse or get flat spots when you bend it), maybe some kind of fixture and fantasty - voilà magic.

Probably easier said than done.

Not that I would replace all the regular tubing for it. But I could or would use it between the pump and the radiator at the top of my case, to get a much nicer and cleaner look on that very long stretch.

Primochill had announced their rigid tubing products when I started my WC upgrade. But their products are basically the same as what I have used.

Thanks for the support, and checking out my build log guys

Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av PsyCor:

Fantastic build! Atttention to detail is amazing, I am in awe. Have been following this case for quite a while now, and you are the reason i bought my TJ08-E.

A couple of questions, how come the rear fan is set to suck air into the case? I assume the front radiator fan is also sucking air into the case since it has the front dust filter there. Wouldn't it be a little better to have that rear fan blow out all the hot radiator air or do you rely on static overpressure?

Another question, the phobya radiator in the front, is it the 180 mm or the 200 mm? If it is the 200 mm, did you have to mod the case to be able to fit it?

Hey mate! happy to hear that you bought the TJ08-E because of my modding

The rear fan is set to intake to provide colder fresh air for the GTX780 GPU. Testing revealed better temps by 5c. The rad is a Phobya 200mm rad, and no modding was required to fit it inside the case. You do need to buy shorter screws with the same thread (M3) to attach it to the fan, then you can install the fan onto the case with the supplied case screws.

I hope this info helps

Skrivet av Cadiper:

A very good looking build! I really dig the Thron vibes from it!

Cheers Cad!

Skrivet av jompenleet:

How thick is this aluminum? what tools did you brush it with?
And what kind of laser cutter did you use to engrave it?

The aluminium is 2mm thick. I used 240grit sandpaper to brush the alu, and everything was cut by hand No laser/water cutting here!

Thanks for showing interest in the build guys!

Av MetallicAcid

Cheers freppa

Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av Shockwave:

No one uses that word, it's just something he made up. If you google it, this forum post is the only search result.

Anyways, nice build, I saw it a while ago, but I didn't comment until now after I watched LTT on YouTube and saw that your new build got featured there.

Thanks for following the build Shockwave, and the heads up for the feature on LTT


Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av Skylar7s:

Your build was on ''Build of the week'' on Linus Tech!

Skrivet av Bakgrund:

Awesome! Thanks for the heads up


Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av MayorTroll:


oh yeahhh, Dat comment!

Skrivet av Kau205:

I sure will And the same goes for you! Making something new/need an opinion on something, just send a PM!

Will do!


Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av Scious:

You seriously know how to cut *aluminum*? Very inspirational build!

Just picked mine up, looks great! Can't wait until I get my quick disconnects and I can upgrade to a semi-passive PS07! Sorry, I'm just so excited

No need to say sorry mate! Make sure you put up a build log, as I am a fan of your build as well!


Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av DDemis:

amazing work as usual!

Skrivet av euf0ria:

Insane!! Just love your custom backplate:)

Thanks guys!! Hopefully the next mod will be even better


Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av Scious:

Really great work! That backplate just looks exceptional! And that's a Phobya xtreme 200 in the front, right? If so, are you happy with it? How's the paint finish? I've got a 400 ordered.

Hey mate! Thanks for checking out my build

I am very happy with the Phobya rad. It feels sturdy and the paint finish is good. This is my first rad though so I have nothing else to compare to.


Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av Gulbanan:

where did you get the plexi tubing from?

Skrivet av biorrith:

The acrylic piping sure looks nice! It's like a combination of clear tubes and chrome piping that some people have used. Where can it be purchased?

The backplate had a nice touch with the extra little angle. It's not much, but it's a lovely detail.

Cheers biorrith! The tubing was bought from Nordbergs Tekniska in Vallentuna


Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av D0ez:

This just looks amazing, the lightning looks very clean and i like the overall attention to detail that you have throughout the whole build. The only thing that you should take in mind is the fact that it is quite easy to overdo some things but i think that you have managed to build a very clean and beautiful looking PC!

Thank you for the kind words D0ez. I really tried to not overdo the details and make it look cheap. I am glad that you think that my PC mod isn't cheesy!


Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av skogsvilden:

Fantastic inside but as mentioned earlier a bit dull exterior, maybe a custom paint-job like gunmetal grey ?

Thanks skogs! I would consider a paint job, but to have to pull everything out again would be just too much of a pain in the bumhole

Maybe for the next mod?


Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av Bakgrund:

Awesome looking and i assume, good performing system. I really like the look with the white led's and the graphics-cards cover. You didn't make me disappointed with this build either, just great job!

Cheers Bakgrund! I am glad that you like it It performs extremely well, and isn't even that load when the GPU is under load!


Av MetallicAcid
Skrivet av Mickesven:

sluta ta så fina bilder, bah lägg av.

Cheers MSCB Thanks for the support!
