
Är Aventurine på fallrepet?

Startar man spelet så hittar klienten inte "hosten". Normalt om servrarna är nere (tex under maintainance) så hittar man i alla fall dom men utan att kunna logga in.

Spelets hemsida ligger nere, liksom forumet och företagets sida.

Kan ju knappast vara så att allt ligger på samma server som har packat ihop.


Visa signatur

Nvidia RTX 2080Ti | Intel Core i7 3,7GHz | RAM 32Gb 1333Mhz | Acer Z-321QU 32' 2560x1440@144HZ|

Visa signatur

Nvidia RTX 2080Ti | Intel Core i7 3,7GHz | RAM 32Gb 1333Mhz | Acer Z-321QU 32' 2560x1440@144HZ|


Orkade inte starta en egen tråd för att berätta följande: (saxat från deras hemsida)

Thu, 17/09/2015 - 18:45

Greetings Agonians!

We're proud to announce that we've teamed up with ORIGIN PC to bring you a free weekend in Agon!

In case you don't have an account, please register in our AMS in order for your account to be activated when the free weekend is on. If you're a clan leader, please inform your clan members to follow this procedure. Besides, you need your clanmates in order to conquer Agon this weekend!

This offer will be valid for everyone that has an account in our system. Unfortunately, we will not be able to launch it on Steam aswell.

Also, if you need a new keyboard or mouse, be sure to use our coupon code "DFUW" on the ORIGIN store, for a 15% off your purchase!

Sharpen your blades, and prepare for battle!